Where yoga meets the ceremony of life.

Movement, music, mantras, breathing, gratitude, intention, spiritual discourse and deep, guided rest.

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Continuing Education

Women´s Circle

Besides my regular schedule, I also sell hassle-free, buckle-free yoga straps. I call these “Dharma Straps” and you can purchase them on Etsy via the link below.

Welcome to remembrance. You see, for me, our yoga practice is a metaphor for life. From the first child´s pose to the final savasana, we begin at ease, and we end with ease. In between is the journey, where we breathe through moments reminding us all that we have been here before…

Learn more about my teaching history
and philosophy around yoga.

Connect with me on Instagram @krissaludvigsenyoga


Connect with me on Instagram @krissaludvigsenyoga 〰️